All-natural formulas for all-natural kids; Daily detoxification and organ support.
Does you kid have problems focusing, brain fog, lack of energy, or seasonal histamine response?
Try NDF Focus
Parents notice their kids have clearer thinking, balanced energy, and an improved ability to handle stress. NDF Focus helps your child with clarity and cognitive function, supports adrenal function and removes toxins.
Key Benefits:
Why are bioray kids so effective?
Kids are exposed to environmental toxins everywhere they go. These toxins accumulate in the body over time and can disrupt their ability to learn, interact and function at their best.
Bioray Kids has developed a line of whole food dietary supplements that naturally removes these harmful toxins so parents don't have to worry so much.
Every Bioray Kids product contains NDF (Natural Detox Factors) micronized chlorella, a specially processed, green algae that safely binds to toxins and carries them out of the body.
Не является лекарственным средством
Информация о Добавках | ||
Serving Size: 1 ml (1 dropper) | ||
Servings Per Container: about 60 | ||
Amount per serving | % Daily Value | |
Proprietary Blend+ = Solomon Seal Root, Eleuthero Root ♦, Reishi Mushroom♦, Polygonatum Root, Chinese Licorice Root ♦, Schizandra Berry ♦, Micronized Chorella (NDF), Polyflor Probiotics, Predigested Agaricus Blazei ♦, Cordyceps ♦, Milk Thistle Seeds, Horsetail ♦ and Stevia Leaf. | 180 mg | |
+ (DV) Daily Value not established ♦ = Organic ingredient |
Vegetable glycerin, deionized water, and natural citrus flavor.
Бодрит. ребёнок с зпрр После первого приема проснулся в 5 утра. Надеюсь, разовый приём за завтраком не вызовет больше таких перебоев со сном. Понаблюдаем. Потом дополню. Но больше рассчитывали на успокаивающий эффект, конечно. Чтобы можно было спокойно позаниматься с ребенонком
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